Monday, March 17, 2008


Another SF-centric post (sorry, Marinites). This time we focus on TICs; that mysterious property type that's not quite condo, not quite co-op, and completely confusing. (In truth TICs, or something like them, are popping up in other areas as well, but they are still primarily an esseff phenomenon.) This article does a good job of spelling out the facts, history, and controversy surrounding TICs.

One important corrective comment: very few newly forming TIC groups have a single loan any more. The vast majority now have fractional financing, a fact the article doesn't address until well "below the fold," and one that has, in our opinion, assured the long term viability of TIC ownership. In this sense, the New York co-op analogy isn't far off. In most places, buyers (and lenders) have understandable hesitation when it comes to co-ops. In New York, they exist right along side condos as a perfectly normal form of home ownership. We suspect that in another three to five years, TICs will have reached similar status in SF, if they haven't already. We also think we know what else needs to happen to speed this process, but that's a longer discussion. (Call for details!)

If you're considering TIC ownership, please call us. We like TICs . Heck, we own one! We just want our clients to have all the information before they buy.

For even more TIC talk, check out the link list at the right of the page. You'll find links to Andy Sirkin's (TIC guru and attorney) website, as well as to the condo conversion page. Enjoy.

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