Monday, March 10, 2008

Now that's an article!

We've complained a few times in this space about newspaper articles that don't tell the whole story or try to tell the whole story based on half the information. We understand. They have to sell papers. And histrionics and hyperbole sell papers.
Since we've been critical in the past, we thought we ought to point out an article that deserves praise. James Temple's piece in the Sunday Chron did a terrific job of digging deep into a specific market; namely newer construction in South Beach/Soma/Rincon Hill. Temple is the new real estate writer at the Chronicle and, despite a couple of hiccups that we're choosing to blame on the editors, he does a consistently good job. This article acknowledges that the dynamics of this market are unique to the market itself; not determined by forces in Washington, Wall Street, or Sacramento. Moreover, Temple does a great job of informing interested readers about what's really going on in a part of the City that captured the interest of many local residents.
Give it a read. Whether you're curious to see who's moving into this area or what the future hold for their home values, we think you'll get a good look.

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