Friday, December 19, 2008
Rate Cuts and Bold Predictions
However, this week’s rate cut may be the exception to all of this. We’re not saying that it’s going to save the real estate market, let alone the economy. But a few years from now, when we look back on when the turnaround began, we may recall December, 2008.
To be sure, the lower rates are not going to save the houses (or owners) currently in foreclosure. They are not going to jump start housing starts. But what they will do is save some real people real money. They may not spend it right away. There are too many other scary things on the economic horizon. (The rash of recent layoffs hasn’t even shown up in unemployment reports yet. Welcome to Washington, Mr. Obama. Would you like some double digit unemployment numbers with your new presidency?) But some homeowners will feel safer. They’ll feel like their houses are worth more simply because it’s costing them less to own them. They’ll have more money at the end of the month. And this time they’ll save it instead of buying a new SUV. And then they might even start see their bank balances rise.
Since it’s still tougher to qualify for mortgage, these rate cuts will primarily benefit people who can now refinance. Yes, there will be a few more buyers out there, too, which is always good. But just as importantly, the cut will allow people who might have needed to sell, to stay in their homes a little longer. Baby boomers might wait another couple years to cash-out, now that their house payments are lower. (And they can leave money in securities markets while they recover, partially stemming the tide of sell-offs.) People whose mortgage payments were making them house poor can now stay put. Instead of frowning over the declining value of their homes, people will smile at the lower number on their monthly mortgage statement. In short, homeownership will feel good again. It may sound trite, but that’s half the battle.
So the upshot will be that resale housing inventory will finally drop sometime later this year, especially as the speculators finish snapping up the foreclosures. And demand will tick up slightly among those who can qualify for loans. We’ll have lower supply and higher demand. Not much of either, but enough. Just watch. Come the third or fourth quarter of 2009, you’ll see headlines exactly the opposite of the ones you’ve been seeing. They’ll say things like, “Housing Sales Drop as Prices Stay Flat” and then, “Resales Continue Decline as Median Price Rises for First Time in 18 Months” and finally, in early 2010, “Median Price Rises for Second Month in a Row: Sales Stabilize.” And when you wonder what finally caused the market to start its long slow recovery, think back to December, 2008. These rate cuts won’t be the only reason, but they may be the first one.
Is this too rosy an outlook? Maybe. Are we trained economists who have real insight into market matters? No. But do we understand the psychology of buyers and sellers of residential real estate? Absolutely.
So we’ve made our bold prediction. Now we get to see who gets to say I told you so.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Inner Circle
Those of you who read our snail mail newsletter may recall the piece I mused about the two models of a boom and bust market. We called the second model "The Pebble in the Pond." Here's what we wrote:
"This requires some visualization. Imagine tossing a stone into a pool of still water. The rings or ripples created by the stone get larger as they get farther away from the point of impact. In this model, the point where the stone meets the water represents San Francisco and Marin (or New York, Boston, Seattle, or any other market that’s performing better than average). The concentric rings are the outlying communities. The smaller rings are, perhaps, Albany, San Carlos, or Petaluma. Larger rings represent Tracy, Morgan Hill, or Santa Rosa. Do you have the picture in your mind? Okay, here’s where the real estate part comes in.
According to this theory, when the market starts booming, the first signs of strength will be in the regional center (i.e. San Francisco and Southern Marin). As buyers get priced out of these markets, they will look to the next concentric ring, or the next, or the next, and so on. In time, the boom market affects the whole region. Then the bust comes…
But the bust follows the reverse pattern. The outermost rings will feel it first. Just as we’ve seen now, outlying communities (especially those that thrived on new construction) see property values fall and foreclosures rise. Slowly, the chill moves to the smaller, inner rings and soon all but the markets in the middle are feeling the cold. And, brace yourself, those of us at the center are the last to experience the bust. But we will feel it. Possibly even as the outer rings are starting to stabilize. If this model is “correct”, we may be tricked into thinking that we’ve avoided the bust altogether, but it’s only a matter of time. And our time may be here soon."
Or it may be here now.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Get What You Pay For?
Speaking of financing, our local rag also has a useful article about the current mortgage lending climate. This is a nice reality check. In short, lenders are lending. When you're hearing that it's hard to get a loan, that's primarily a reference to the past few years when nearly anyone could get a home loan. All that's really happened is that lenders have returned to responsible lending practices. What a concept!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Zip Code Red
Monday, October 27, 2008
A Higher Authority
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ups and Downs
Moving On Up
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
ARM And (Not) A Leg
These mortgages continue to make sense for a lot of people. If you're thinking about buying or refi-ing, don't rule them out automatically. This Times article (courtesy of give a measured evaluation of the benefits of this loan propduct.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Have Basis, Will Travel
Want to know more about Prop 60 or its sister law, Prop 90? There are permanent links on the right side of this page. Or just click here.
Silver Lining?
Of course, a little good news is always welcome, even if it's in the form of not-so-bad news about our local economy.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
New Listing
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Call If You Need An Agent
We've had clients look at several units in all three finished properties, so if you happen to have interest in the latest listing at the St. Regis, don't hesitate to get in touch. With some patience and our negotiating skills, we think we can get it for $10-$20 million under the asking price.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
It's a Two-fer
The second article, somewhat apropos of that last point, reports that the number of people who can afford a home in California is up dramatcally. They may not be buying yet, but this trend would seem to bode well for the market's overall recovery.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Twin Markets
There was a classic buried lead in an article in today’s Chronicle real estate section. The article is about challenges currently facing real estate appraisers. About half way down, you’ll see a brief bit about how short sales and foreclosures are affecting appraisals. It isn’t much, but we found this section particularly interesting.
An appraisal, after all, is really only one person’s opinion of value. Nevertheless, lenders rely heavily on appraisals to determine the “market value” of a particular property on which they may loan money. It comes as no surprise then, that in a declining market, the appraisal is the sticky wicket that causes many real estate transactions to fall apart.
A quick overview of this process: Mr. Buyer agrees to buy 123 Main Street from Mr. Seller for $1,000,000. Mr. Buyer plans to borrow 80% of the funds necessarily to buy the property. He goes to a lender and fills out a loan application. Based on his credit score and income verification, the lender agrees to lend Mr. Buyer 80% of the property’s value. The lender sends an appraiser out to the property to determine the market value. Said appraiser reports that the current market value of the property is $900,000. The lender may very well be willing, as promised, to lend Mr. Buyer $720,000, which is 80% of the property’s newly determined market value. The problem, of course, is that Mr. Buyer needs to borrow $800,000 to buy the property at the agreed upon purchase price. Now, if Mr. Buyer was working with us, we would have advised him to have an appraisal contingency, which would allow him to walk away from this transaction right here and now. If not, Mr. Buyer might well have to find $80,000 to make up the difference between what the lender will loan and what he agreed to pay. Without an appraisal contingency, Mr. Buyer could well be in default if he does not buy the property, thereby putting his deposit at risk.
But here’s the thing. The fact that appraisals are coming up short is not exactly shocking to anyone who has been following the real estate market for the past 18 months. Which brings us back to our buried lead.
Drive 45 minutes away from San Francisco in nearly any direction and you will find communities in which upwards of 50% of the homes for sale are either short sales or foreclosures. The other 50% of listings are, of course, owned by ordinary people who have equity in their homes and are selling for “normal” reasons (job transfers, kids moved away, retirement, moving up, downsizing, etc.).
Regular readers know that we often harp on the importance of looking at a specific market to determine what a property is worth or which way its value is moving. Real estate is a local business. Examining national, state, or even regional trends is often a waste of time. But what do we do when two distinct markets emerge within a single location? How do we determine value when, even within the smallest of communities, two marketplaces exist? We’re only just learning the answers.
To help find those answers, it’s worth looking at a textbook definition of market value. Literally. We went back and looked at an old real estate textbook to shed some light on the subject. We must allow for five key elements to determine if a property is selling for market value:
1. Neither buyer nor seller is acting under duress.
2. The real estate has been on the market for a reasonable length of time for a property of its type.
3. Both buyer and seller are acting with full knowledge of the property’s assets and defects.
4. No unusual circumstances exist, such as a sale involving related parties.
5. The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold, unaffected by creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale.
In a short sale, 1, 4, and 5 are arguably not present. At a minimum, the seller is acting under duress (1) and the lien holder is granting concessions to facilitate the sale (5). In a foreclosure sale, the lender, who is also the seller, has probably never seen the property and has no knowledge of the property’s assets and defects (3).
Clearly, short sales and foreclosures sales do not meet the definition of “fair market value.” So what do you do if you want to sell your house and the house three doors down sold six months ago in a foreclosure sale? It is unlikely that the neighbor’s house sold for fair market value. Nevertheless, that sale will be used to determine the value of your house.
This is the challenge facing everyone in the residential real estate world right now: appraisers, lenders, buyers, sellers, and Realtors. And that’s why it’s essential to work with a Realtor who is aware of these factors and uses them in advising you on your decisions.
Interesting times, these.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Model Home
Friday, August 8, 2008
Marin Takes The Rest Of The Country To School
A recent article in Forbes examined "per-pupil spending in public schools and weighed it against student performance--college entrance exam scores (SAT or ACT, depending on which is more common in the state), exam participation rates and graduation rates." Guess which schools ranked highest. If you guessed Marin, you're right. (Maybe you went to school there, too, smartypants.)
What's Done Is (Not Quite) Done
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The City's Changing Landscape
The SF Planning Commission today is likely to approval a plan that may forever change the face of the City's eastern coridor. UCSF and Biotech development in the area has shined a spotlight on the area. (And of course yours truly was married there.) But this new plan stands to bring thousands of new residents to neighborhoods that have not always been thought of as residential. Read more about the proposed changes in this Chronicle article.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Welcome Home
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
REO Speedwagon
Thursday, July 3, 2008
For Better or Worse
One of the reasons it's so difficult to tell where the market is going right now is that lenders don't seem certain what's in their best interest. Many are willing to work with struggling homeowners to keep them in their homes. Others "are really convinced that a repayment or modification is not in their best interest; that a foreclosure may be a better thing."
Stay tuned...
Friday, June 6, 2008
Golden Handcuffs
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Upside down
Actually, we think this is a good time to buy, but don't make too much of the recent month-over-month increase in sales. The recovery may be starting, but it won't be measured month-by-month. We suggest tracking real estate investments year-over-year. Remember, the word is "investment," not "speculation."
If you decide to wade into these still-troubled waters, call us. There are bargains to be found out there, like no other time in the past seven years. We're tracking properties that we think have good investment potential. But you have to be selective. And patient.
Monday, May 19, 2008
"Off to the Principal's Office You Go"
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Bottom Feeding?
Talkin' 'bout Mill Valley
Duration, Duration, Duration
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Getting Foreclosure
Monday, April 21, 2008
Fireside Chat

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Feeling So Loan-ly
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Property Tax Reductions
Monday, March 17, 2008
One important corrective comment: very few newly forming TIC groups have a single loan any more. The vast majority now have fractional financing, a fact the article doesn't address until well "below the fold," and one that has, in our opinion, assured the long term viability of TIC ownership. In this sense, the New York co-op analogy isn't far off. In most places, buyers (and lenders) have understandable hesitation when it comes to co-ops. In New York, they exist right along side condos as a perfectly normal form of home ownership. We suspect that in another three to five years, TICs will have reached similar status in SF, if they haven't already. We also think we know what else needs to happen to speed this process, but that's a longer discussion. (Call for details!)
If you're considering TIC ownership, please call us. We like TICs . Heck, we own one! We just want our clients to have all the information before they buy.
For even more TIC talk, check out the link list at the right of the page. You'll find links to Andy Sirkin's (TIC guru and attorney) website, as well as to the condo conversion page. Enjoy.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Now that's an article!
Since we've been critical in the past, we thought we ought to point out an article that deserves praise. James Temple's piece in the Sunday Chron did a terrific job of digging deep into a specific market; namely newer construction in South Beach/Soma/Rincon Hill. Temple is the new real estate writer at the Chronicle and, despite a couple of hiccups that we're choosing to blame on the editors, he does a consistently good job. This article acknowledges that the dynamics of this market are unique to the market itself; not determined by forces in Washington, Wall Street, or Sacramento. Moreover, Temple does a great job of informing interested readers about what's really going on in a part of the City that captured the interest of many local residents.
Give it a read. Whether you're curious to see who's moving into this area or what the future hold for their home values, we think you'll get a good look.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Where Did It Go?
More on Conforming vs. Jumbo Loans
However, the piece notes, "waiting is not without risk. Mortgage rates are pretty low right now. If they shoot up in the next month or two, you could lose whatever advantage you might get from holding out for a conforming loan. There's also a chance lenders will continue to tighten their credit requirements so much that you no longer qualify for a loan. And once the new loans come out, you will probably have to get in line with lots of other eager borrowers." There have been some rumblings that the Fed's recent lowering of the shorterm interest rates may actually drive long term rates (i.e. mortgage rates) up. If this happens, it's possible that the new comforming rate will be the same as the existing jumbo rates.
Stay tuned.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Economic Stimulus and Conforming Loan Limits
"The bill includes higher conforming loan limits through December 31, 2008. There are still many details to be worked out so it is doubtful if any lenders are going to jump right in until more guidance is issued by HUD. We are expecting that the earliest this will realistically affect loans funding will be in the May-June timeframe (and that is only an educated guess based on how slowly things in politics work). Keep in mind the the new limits will apply to 30 year and 15 year fixed rate, fully amortizing (sorry, no interest only), and owner-occupied. ARMs are being considered, but if allowed, the increase will likely apply to one ARM type (for example, 5/1's).
"Who will likely benefit?
Someone that has a loan amount up to $729,750 and wants a 30 Year Fixed mortgage. A note of caution is that we are uncertain what the final interest rate and closing costs will be since we can safely assume that FNMA and FHLMC will charge higher fees to compensate for the higher risk.
Today the best conforming interest rate, for someone with 720+ credit score and full documentation, is 6% with no points and 5.75% with 1 point. The market continues to be concerned about the inflationary results of the FED's lowering of their overnight rate and if the concerns continues, we will see the conforming interest rate increase.
"The "hot" loan program today is a 5/1 Interest Only Jumbo loan at 5.5-5.625% or a 10/1 Interest Only at 6%. AND these rates and loan programs are available now!"
Now you know what we know.
Median Prices Up. Here's Why.
It's this second point that illuminates our running pleas not to read too much into what you see in the newspaper. On consecutive days, the Chron's lead real estate article informed readers, first, that the market is at a 20-year low, and second, that "people are willing to pay ever higher prices for luxury Bay Area real estate." While both things are technically true, we feel that this kind of reporting makes it very difficult for owners, buyers, and sellers of Bay Area real estate to form an accurate opinion of the strength of the market. As ever, we merely wish that the papers focused more on the bigger picture and the longterm view than on headline-grabbing or heartstring-tugging case studies.
Brentwood, Anyone?
Is Sub-Prime To Blame For Broader Economic Downturn?
Monday, February 11, 2008
When Is Your Home Not an Investment?
"The American home has always been a receptacle for our myriad needs and desires. Yet lately many experts have observed that the real estate boom has skewed the meaning of our homes. In the wake of stagnating incomes, regressive taxes and the expectation of Social Security collapse, middle class home owners increasingly looked to real estate as a source of financial redemption. When God, pensions, the stock market and the government failed, the humble house provided more than a modicum of security, and with any luck, several hundred thousand dollars in untaxable capital gains."
These words began Carol Lloyd's "Surreal Estate" column in this Sunday's Chron. Lloyd's column has not always been kind to Realtors, but this week we found her echoing a sentiment we've been sharing with many of our clients lately. Namely that the real estate boom of the last several years severly altered people's sense of what their home was meant to do. For far too many homeowners, their principal residence became the repository of all their financial dreams; a way to pay for early retirement, kids' college tuition, and a chance to drive that fancy car. Along the way, we forgot about a home's first and foremost purpose: a place to live.
This is not to suggest that we shouldn't view our homes as investments. Rather, we only suggest that, unike your I.R.A, 401K, C.D.s and stock options, a home is not purely a financial instrument. Seems so obvious, yet so easily forgotten.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Another Rate Cut
"Jumbo rates decreased 0.125% yesterday (1/22/08) and conforming rates (loan amount under 417K) decreased 0.25%. A Fed cut was already priced into the bond market and that is why we have seen interest rates go down in the last month. Wall Street was counting on a 0.5% cut and now it was 0.75% so that is why we saw just a little drop. If the Fed would have cut just 0.5%, the bond market would not have reacted and we would have seen interest rates stay the same. Remember that mortgage markets are "open" every day whereas the Fed meets just eight times annually. This gives the markets a ton of time to interpret news, listen to Fed speakers, and generally prepare for the next Federal Reserve meeting.
"The big winners yesterday were people with home equity lines of credit, and those that carry credit card balances. Effective January 22, 2008, your borrowing rates just fell 0.750%.
"The Prime Rate is now 6.500%.
"FORECAST for Long-Term Interest Rates: We believe conforming interest rates (loan amounts under $417K) will probably continue to go down another 0.25-0.5% over the next 6-12 months. Jumbo loans are a different story though and we believe those rates will decrease only about 0.125-0.25% since there are still very few lenders that are willing to lend on large loan amounts."
Note that predicting mortgage rates 6-12 months down the road is a little like walking around with something green in your teeth; no matter how confident you are, eventually someone's going to notice and you are going to look foolish. Consider yourself warned...
Monday, January 14, 2008
2007 Round-Up
A special "thank you" goes out to those of you who bought or sold homes with us in 2007, as well as the many friends and former clients who helped us build our business last year. Your referrals are the the lifeblood of our business. We can't express our appreciation enough. One way we try, however, is to make donations to Ritter Center in Marin County and Glide Memorial Family Services in SF for every opportunity you send our way. We were thrilled to make many donations to both organizations throughout the year. And if the number of calls we've received during the first two weeks of 2008 is any indication, this year will be even better.
While 2007 was a busy year for Next Generation Real Estate, it was not so busy out there in the broader market. The fourth quarter in particular was not kind to sellers. Check out these end-of-year stats for a complete picture. The first number shows the percentage change in the total units sold in 2007 vs. 2006. The second number reflects the Q4 year-over-year change:
San Francisco -9.69% -19.11%
Marin -12.0% -29.0%
Sonoma -23.26% -39.04%
Napa -25.13% -42.02%
Solano -40.02% -48.43%
Alameda -27.53% -42.91%
Contra Costa -29.30% -42.89%
This next set of stats shows the percentage change in the median price in 2007 vs. 2006:
San Francisco +3.25% +4.3%
Marin +4.15% +4.4%
Sonoma -5.91% -13%
Napa +.84% +1%
Solano -8.13% -17.2%
Alameda +1.0% -3.36%
Contra Costa -1.0% -14.35%
As we've noted before, the upper end of the market out-performed the lower end in 2007. This accounts, in part, for why Marin and SF had an increase in median price despite a roughly 10% drop in total units sold.
We think there's good information in the above charts, as well as hints as to where the market may be headed in 2008. Please get in touch if you or someone you know is considering a real estate transaction this year. We'd love to talk about it!
All the best in 2008.